Monday, July 3, 2017

Do you know God?

Do you have faith in the One True God?
Have you ever believed on Christ?
Is He your Savior?
Is He your Lord and Master?
Do you trust Christ?
Let's not debate whether or not He exists, all people know in their deepest heart that He exists.  There are no atheists in the foxhole, so to speak.
 If you believe He is your Lord, have you kept His commandments? 
Do you know God?

Let's examine these things together.

What is faith?  Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things.  Faith is a belief in the what is now unseen.  Blessed (or, on their way) are those who have seen Jesus and know that He Is, but even more blessed are they who have not seen, and believe on the testimony of those who have seen.

Have you ever believed on Christ?  Not in Christ.  You can believe Christ existed, but that won't do anything for you.  Have you believed on his Word?  Not have you read the Bible.  You can read the bible a hundred times and it will do nothing for you if you don't believe on it.

Is He your Savior?

Have you ever asked him into your heart to be your Savior?   He wants to dwell there, you know.  He wants to live His life in you.   He wants to pour out of his Spirit upon you and make you his child. 

Is He your Lord and Master?  If he is your Savior, has your life changed at all or do you still live the exact same way you lived before you accepted His salvation?

Do you trust Christ?

If He is your lord Savior and Master and tomorrow you lost, your health, wealth, job and your husband or wife left you and it wasn't your fault, would you turn your back on Him?  Would you still live like He has changed you or would you just give up and call it quits. Do you really, really trust Christ?

Do you keep his commandments?   He commands all men everywhere to repent and come unto him and be baptized for the remission of your sins.  There are three baptisms, of water, the holy Ghost and fire.  Water and the Holy Ghost come through ordinances.   And the ordinances must be done by those who have been commissioned to do these things, namely, priesthood.   Where are these priesthood to be found?  They are affiliated with something called the Restoration Branches of Jesus Christ.  I will explain more about these later, but for now will leave you with two links for further research:  

Restoration Branches, Wikipedia page

JCRB website