Monday, January 10, 2022

What is the Plan of Salvation?

 When a Pharisee came to Jesus by night, he wanted to know what he was missing. He wanted to know what his Jewish religion was no longer teaching: The way to heaven.

Jesus told the crowd later that "I (Jesus) Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No One comes to the Father except by me.

As we return to the Pharisee, Nicodemus, we see in John, third chapter, that he was told by Jesus, "Ye must be born again."

Later in the conversation, Jesus clarified this point.

He said that this being born again was by the water and by the Spirit.

In the book of Genesis it says (Not in the King James Version) "By the water ye keep the commandment, by the Spirit you are justified and by the Blood ye are sanctified.

                                       WHAT IS THE PROPER MODE OF BAPTISM?

The formula, Calling by name, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen, must be done by a duly Authorized Priesthood member in a valid sect of the Restoration, in water, under the water with every body part and hair of the head fully immersed.

                                        IS ALL DONE?

No. Having been thus authoritively baptized, you must now endure to the end, holding to Jesus. Jesus must be in your heart. You must allow him in and daily surrender to the Spirit of God. This discipline becomes easier with practice.

                                          WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO DIE UNBAPTIZED? IS DEATH THE END?

Those who died without a knowledge of the Gospel, may, if they choose, have, in the Physical Kingdom of God, someone stand in for them and be baptized on their behalf, or by proxy.


You begin to be accountable for your sins at eight. For those who are severely mentally disabled the age may be greater or never come at all, in which case baptism would be worse than useless.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

I updated my blog and other news.

 I corrrected several errors of thinking and fact and updated some areas of this blog. I live in an apartment now and have a male friend staying with me. I am going to try from now on to keep up with this spiritual blog. My diaries and Star Wars Writings and the Scriptures and other good books are on   God bless.